Teaching is my profession and is very important to me. I devote a lot of time, effort, energy, and affection to it. I feel very proud when I hear a student say that I am one of the best teachers he has had, or that my workshops have been interesting and enriching. Here are some opinions about my teaching:
“Clara never seems to be tired, either early in the morning, or at the end of the day, she always has energy to teach us something new.
“Clara always finds a song to teach something.”
“I’ve learned to use the language. Before this course, the teachers didn’t push me to speak.”
“I like that the class is in English all the time.”
“Are you going to teach the next level? I really liked your classes and would like to take the course with you.”
“Teacher, this semester I don’t have the weekly readings you left us last semester. Do you have anything new? Why don’t you email new ones to me?”
"Excellent workshop, Clara, I'm applying your ideas to my classes"
"This should be the plan for every Tuesday!"
The University where I worked until last semester had a teacher evaluation program for all the students and opened it at the end of each semester. It had four areas of evaluation, with a series of questions for each area, related to teaching effectiveness, relationship with students, teacher's subject expertise, and teaching methodology. Students give an overall rating of the intructor, ranging from excellent (6) to poor (0).
"Excellent workshop, Clara, I'm applying your ideas to my classes"
"This should be the plan for every Tuesday!"
The University where I worked until last semester had a teacher evaluation program for all the students and opened it at the end of each semester. It had four areas of evaluation, with a series of questions for each area, related to teaching effectiveness, relationship with students, teacher's subject expertise, and teaching methodology. Students give an overall rating of the intructor, ranging from excellent (6) to poor (0).
Previous semesters results:
2010-1: 4.3/6.0
2010-2: 4.5/6.0
2011-1: 5.1/6.0
2011-2: 4.9/6.0 These are the results: 1 - 2 - 3
2012-1: 4.7/6.0 1 - 2 - 3
2012-2: 4.5/6.0 1 - 2 - 3
2013-1: 4.7/6.0
The Language Department did not conduct peer reviews for hourly-paid teachers.
Now, I'm beginning a teacher training program at Universidad de la Sabana, and I hope my new students will have good things to say about my online sessions. I'll do my best.
Now that I've begun new teaching businesses and am my own boss, I have to be very critical about my performance, as I'm selecting, planning, prompting, teaching, ... and selling. After a course or workshop, I always hand out small surveys like the one appearing below these lines, in order to tabulate the results, see my market preferences and the outcomes of my programs. They will help me decide on the actions to take.